Earn big money with Google Adsense. Many Dreamers use Adsense on their blog or web site. But they usually fails and not able to earn money. Have you noticed that why Google paying very less amount to your account. There are two possible reasons behind it, You need high traffic and use the highest paying keywords in your website or blog.
Do not worry about Adsense payment I will explain you how to increase your income. Focus on the key words and you need to use in your article. Google AdSense revenue to your blog / web site is based on the niche.
Increase your Adsense Revenue using with High Paying key words
Google Adsense can be used for payments to post to your blog niche and keyword based. Below is a cover of your blog is very niche keywords, you can be sure that a large amount of your AdSense account. There are sure to increase your Google AdSense revenue is a list of high paying Google Adsense keywords.
Highest Paying Google Adsense Keywords of 2013
There are several people try to get their first $ 100 Adsense check it takes a year. I would say if you are going to target these keywords in your blog or website, you will get your first Adsense check in a month.
Below is a list of 2013′s top 50 highest-paid keywords for Google Adsense.
1. Insurance
2. Taxes
3. Loans
4. Donate
5. Hosting
6. Advertising
7. Attorney
8. Rehab
9. Classes
10. Transfer
11. Software
12. Investing
13. Recovery
14. Claim
15. Trading
16. Lawyer
17. Credit
18. Credit Card
19. Conference Call
20. Degree
21. Gas
22. Electricity
23. Treatment
24. Bonds
25. Cell Phone Plans
26. Cord Blood
27. Weight Loss
28. Anti Virus Protection
29. Online Banking
30. Internet Broker
31. Register Domain
32. Money
33. Marketing
34. Payperclick
35. Laptop Computer
36. Spyware
37. Depression
38. Vioxx
39. Refinance
40. Pharmacy
41. Consolidation
42. Big label
43. Cards
44. Internet
45. Printer
46. Settlements
47. Annuity
48. Eloan
49. Web Host
50. Union
I hope this article will help you increasing AdSense revenue. Another thing, don’t use these keywords in your article that does not suite to your blog or your blog post. If you do it there will be no use. Because use only relative keywords for right article.
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